Chat with the Chair – Adriane Carr, Chair, Climate Action Committee

Published on February 4, 2023

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, and Things to Do in Horseshoe Bay Vancouver, Chat with the Chair – Adriane Carr, Chair, Climate Action Committee.

Air quality and climate change are inextricably linked, and clean air is one of the things that makes our region such a desirable place to live, work, and play. In this episode, Adriane Carr, Chair of the Climate Action Committee, describes the work underway to protect air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and how bold climate action can make our region and economy more prosperous and resilient in an ever-changing world.

Metro Vancouver’s air monitoring network is one of the most comprehensive in the world – the network includes 31 permanent stations and one mobile unit and collects air data from Horseshoe Bay to Hope every hour, seven days a week. Even though our region’s population continues to increase, air emissions of major air pollutants that can cause smog and harm human health have been steadily declining.

For decades, climate change-related strategies and actions have been incorporated into Metro Vancouver’s utility and growth management plans and now, all these strategies and actions are being consolidated into one plan – Climate 2050. The plan builds on work already underway and is structured around ten issue areas, each with its own Roadmap to help achieve the ambitious target of a carbon neutral region by 2050. Public consultation is currently open on the Climate 2050 Roadmaps.

The Climate Action Committee is the standing committee of the Metro Vancouver Board that provides advice and recommendations on policies, bylaws, plans, programs, budgets and issues related to the Air Quality & Climate Change service, and the Environmental Planning function within Regional Planning. Specific Committee responsibilities include air quality, climate change adaptation, energy efficiency, environment (Ecological Health Framework), environmental reviews, and Metro Vancouver’s sustainability innovation funds.

About Chat with the Chair
‘Chat with the Chair’ is Metro Vancouver’s new video series that connects you with the decision makers of the region. Join former CBC broadcaster Jaeny Baik as she sits down with each of Metro Vancouver’s board and committee chairs to offer first-hand insights, inspirations and aspirations as we work together to build a resilient, equitable, and prosperous region.

Metro Vancouver’s Board of Directors consists of 40 directors, made up of elected representatives from 21 municipalities, Electoral Area A, and Tsawwassen First Nation.

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Chat with the Chair Adriane Carr Chair Climate Action
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